September 02, 2024, marked a milestone in the journey towards a sustainable tomorrow, as The Saffron Leaf Hotel hosted a groundbreaking Science Exhibition. Co-organized by Amrita University and Dainik Jagran, the event brought together visionary projects from schools across the city, all focused on harnessing innovation to drive sustainable development.
Olympus High’s talented trio – Karthik Guleria, Aarohan Rajgopal, and Raghav Sharma (Class 12th Science) – stole the spotlight with their pioneering project on Piezoelectricity, demonstrating their dedication to a sustainable future.
The exhibition’s cream of the crop was recognized with coveted awards:
– First Place: Doon School
– Second Place: SGRR School
– Third Place: Social Baluni School
As the curtains drew on the event, the winners’ inspiring words ignited a spark, leaving attendees with a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility towards creating a sustainable world.