The Inter-House Theaterisation Competition was held on 31st August 2024 amongst the four houses – Atharva, Yajur, Rig and Saam who showcased their theatrical skills. The show commenced with a welcome speech by Ms Harshita of class XI. The programme commenced with the performance of Yajur House and the name of their play was Bishop’s Candlesticks. Saam House followed this with their act – The Importance of Being Earnest, and Atharva House with the act – The Monkey’s Paw. Rig House put forward the last performance with their play – The Dear Departed.
Summing up the competition, the principal Dr. Anuradha Pundeer Malla announced the results. All the houses performed marvellously and the third position was secured by Rig House, the second position was won by Yajur House and the first position was bagged by Saam House and Atharva House. The competition concluded with a vote of thanks by the principal.