“Conducts Successful Earthquake Drill”

Olympus High Conducts Successful Earthquake Drill

Olympus High announced the successful completion of an earthquake drill on April 25th, reinforcing its commitment to safety preparedness and community well-being—the simulated major earthquake scenario aimed to enhance emergency response readiness.

The drill involved a simulated earthquake scenario and evacuation procedures, allowing students to practice responding to earthquake protocols. This exercise reinforced proper safety measures and ensured all participants understood the emergency response plan.

Essential earthquake precautions were shared with participants, including the importance of practising “Drop, Cover, and Hold On,” preparing for aftershocks, checking for inside and outside property damage, providing first aid to injured individuals, and reporting structural damage to authorities.

The drill demonstrated Olympus High’s proactive approach to safety, ensuring students, faculty, and staff are equipped to respond effectively in the event of a seismic emergency. By conducting regular safety drills, the school reinforces its dedication to providing a safe and secure environment for its community.